Working from 2D concept art into 3D objects
The goal is to create thumbnails of a battle axe and start detailing some of those concepts.
My original intention was just to draw 2D art. I found one concept special. And also very suitable for modeling it in Blender 3D.
And that's how a little spark of creativity ended in modeling a low poly fill battle axe.
I used a two edge mesh part (3 vertices) of a circle and used the screw-modifier to extract the shape as a tube.
Basically creating a leather strap around the ax handle.
A second one (not displayed here), turns around the other way.
Then I added a shrinkwrap-modifier with the ax handle as shape base. A third modifier solididy gave the straps a body to work on.
But this 5 minutes approach, introduces the real problem of weaving straps. They intersect!
This was a time consuming process. Weaving the straps under and over the base handle. I used mesh colours to identify which straps I already did.
I also like the randomly choses green color. But I think not so realistic, so I changed it.
These renders where done in Eevee.
50% of the 66K vertices are used in the wiring around the handle.
So here is a quick win for a real low poly model.
But the goal wasn't a low poly model, but the 2D to 3D transformation.
For texturing I used some basic shaders from BlenderKit.
After this one I did an other 2D to 3D project. A Maxanthyium grenade ...